Term 4 Writing

Term 4 


Student reflection of an author:

An awesome author, uses full stops at the end of sentences.  They use question marks when they ask questions. They sound out their words to make sure they spell it correct.

Term 4 Discovery

Term 4 


We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others.  
We focus on developing the following key competencies:

Relating to others
Using language, symbols and text
Managing self
Participating and contributing 

Student reflection from a Discovery session: 

“I managed myself in discovery very well and I set up the skittles and I helped other students in the garden.  I contribute in our garden.”

Term 4 Maths

Term 3 

We are learning to: Measure and weight materials and pour liquids from and into containers.

Success Criteria: We made our own healthy smoothy and fruit salad by cutting, measuring and weighing our fruit.

Term 3 Gymnastics

Term 3


Success Criteria:
To perform two different kinds of rolls (pencil and hedgehog) correctly.

Next Step:
To learn more advanced rolls like the elephant and circle roll.

Student Voice:
It like to do all the different rolls.  It is easy and fun!

Term 4 Dance

Term 4 


Success Criteria:
I can participate, follow instructions, move independently and in time to the music.

 Click on the link below  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SmThM9NDGA

Term 3 Reading


Teacher question: 

What do good readers do?

Student’s response:

A good reader looks carefully at the words and use their voice to make their reading interesting.  They ask themselves if what they have read makes sense.

Term 4 Music

Term 4


We are learning to: recognise different sections of music and respond through singing, moving, playing and creating. 

To be successful we need to:
  • Listen carefully to the music
  • Move as directed by the words in the song
  • Sing as we move

Click on the link below:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgQ1_GEC8ZM