Writing Term 4

WALT write a recount.

My family went to Auckland. We went to Movie World. We went on the Scooby Doo ride.
It was scary! There was hanging down some swords.  My family liked it but I  didn't like it. We had a great time in Australia.

Term 4 Swimming

WALT be confident in the water.
Student Voice " I am  a good swimmer so I am very confident in the water".

Te reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Maths Term 4

WALT know about numbers up to 1000.
Student voice - " I know how to count to 1000". 

Maths Term 3 (Strand)

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my shoe using a ruler and say how long it is".

The Arts Term 3

WALT  make a musical instrument.


Student voice " I can make a musical instrument that makes a sound".

Physical Education Term 3

WALT use our ball skills.

Student Voice - " I can throw and catch a ball well ".

Numeracy Term 2

WALT do subtraction using tidy numbers.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can change one number to a tidy number (a number ending with a zero)
Subtraction using tidy numbers 

Student Voice - "I know that the closest tidy number to 18 is 20.  A tidy number ends with 0.  It is easier to add when you use tidy numbers".

Discovery Term 2

WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice - " I created this weaving mat at Discovery by using my brain to think about what colours I wanted to use and how to go over and under". 

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will have written about an event that has happened. We will have answered some of these questions - who, what, when,why? 

Yesterday I went on my ipad. I went on minecraft and I built a roller coaster.  It was really big. Then it went into lava and it went in water.  After that it can go back on the track.  I built a house. Inside the house there is a cat. 

Student voice " I have said who - it's me, what - i did minecraft, when - yesterday, 

Reading Term 2

WALT look along the line as we are reading and make our reading sound like talking.
Student Voice - " I can use expression when I am reading aloud".

Writing Term 1

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - We will have written about something that has already happened and we will have  events in the correct order.

Yesterday I went on my ipad. I went on minecraft. I built a rollercoaster which was really big. It goes in lava then it goes in water then it goes back up on the track.   I built a house. Inside the house there is a cat. 

Discovery Term 1


Art Term 1

Today with Mr Shaskey we learned about sketching and drawing. We learned to set the limits, draw the outline and then add the shapes.

We can follow instructions and sketch some fruit and vegetables