Te reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Maths Term 4

WALT know about numbers up to 1000.
Student voice - " I know how to count to 1000". 

Maths Term 3 (Strand)

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my shoe using a ruler and say how long it is".

The Arts Term 3

WALT  make a musical instrument.


Student voice " I can make a musical instrument that makes a sound".

Physical Education Term 3

WALT use our ball skills.

Student Voice - " I can throw and catch a ball well ".

Numeracy Term 2

WALT do subtraction using tidy numbers.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can change one number to a tidy number (a number ending with a zero)
Subtraction using tidy numbers 

Student Voice - "I know that the closest tidy number to 18 is 20.  A tidy number ends with 0.  It is easier to add when you use tidy numbers".