SML Hub 5 Blog 1

My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is Mr Rule
My writing teacher is Mr Rule

So What?

My handwriting goal is to flick letters correctly

My spelling goal is to complete list Spelling list 7

My writing goal is to describe a moment in time.

My reading goal is to use several pieces of information to make inferences (on information not directly in text).

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something I am proud of is questioning

Integrated Learning Presentation

I have presented my narrative using movie making.

I worked with Hugo.

My narrative showed empathy by the FBI helped doc.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was getting to manage our self out side.

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was that it is a made up story of ways things could get there.


in math i am learning how to complete a stasacical invesingation

i haved learned that the steps in statistical inguiry model are pose a quistion /plan invesagation/gather the data /anlyse the data/from conclusion

somthink i have learnd from gathering the data is how to make a goggle form